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from $42

NOº8 Front Traction - Black

Sympl Supply Co

The NOº8 Front Traction by Sympl is a light weight front pad that will offer you great traction. The groovy grooves are less abrasive and therefore creates less risk of tearing up your skin. All Sympl pads are made with Eco-Good biodegradable foam that breakdown in landfill.


  • ECO-GOOD™ Biodegradable Foam
  • Groovy Grooves
  • Pieces: 3 +  3M Adhesive
  • L: 18″  x  W: 14″

NOº8 Front Traction - Black

The NOº8 Front Traction by Sympl is a light weight front pad that will offer you great traction. The groovy grooves are less abrasive and therefore creates less risk of tearing up your skin. All Sympl pads are made with Eco-Good biodegradable foam that breakdown in landfill.


  • ECO-GOOD™ Biodegradable Foam
  • Groovy Grooves
  • Pieces: 3 +  3M Adhesive
  • L: 18″  x  W: 14″
from $42

Availability: Out of stock

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