Browse all Mini Twin (Two) Surfboard Reviews completed by the global Boardcave community. Gather unique surfboard model insights and feedback, while learning more about the DHD Surfboards Mini Twin (Two). Watch and read Mini Twin (Two) reviews from surfers with the same rider profile as you, filter results to a similar, weight, ability, fitness and volume to help you compare and buy your next board. Our unbiased reviews are used by shapers, surfers and the global surfing community to learn, advance and refine all round surfboard design.
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Rides well. Is a little sliddy on bigger or ruffer water. However, this is a given because it's a twin. Paddles fast and drops into speed with great speed. This is extra nice if your are on a faster soft wave so you can really get going down the line well. Unfortunately mine was tossed into rocks and destroyed. I was how ever riding it without a leash on a day that was far to big for a fish in my opinion. Bored did have to be trashed sadly.