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Board's fun. First real "short" board. Not sure how my review will be taken just because a lot of my opinion is skewed because I'm mostly learning on this board. With that being said, when I do manage to get going on a good wave, it feels very responsive.
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This board looks great, it feels great under your arm. It looks well balanced. It paddles extremely well. Im 5'8 and pushing about 190lbs. I found that the float on this board was really good. Driving down the line the thing hauls. There's no shortage of speed you can get on this board. When I went for turns out on the open face, it seemed to not want to roll over easily and I really had to put more effort into bringing it all the way around. So, maybe thats because it felt stiff. Turning in the pocket is hard to say. Sometimes I could jam it and it would feel like the right amount of looseness and other times it would feels stiff again. One thing I will say is that on bigger days when its howling offshore, I couldn't make it down the face to save my life on this board. The wind would just blow mw off of the face of waves. Id be interested to ride it as a quad and maybe some more glass to get the weight up. Other then that I think its a great board that I could have grown into but it would have taken a minute for me to figure it out.
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Great board! Goes great in 3-10 ft
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While my weight, fitness level, and skill level warrant I ride boards in the range of 27 to 29 liters..., my local beach break's wave size and quality does not. So, my quiver ranges between 32 and 36 liters. I ride my 6'2 Love Buzz when its thigh to rib. I ride my 6'0 Love Buzz when its rib to head++. The Love Buzz is a very,very fast and responsive board. It loves hauling ass down the line and floating over crumbly sections. It loves hard bottom turns and going vertical off the top. Both my Love Buzz boards have way more float than I need and I will admit.., I sometimes long for a 5'9 or 5'10 the few times a year we're grazed by a tropical system which produces epic world class waves/conditions/size.I'm always on the watch for a used shorter Love Buzz to add to my quiver.
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This board is a complete surprise. When first picking it up you may think that it looks and feels like a traditional short board, not the hybrid lovechild of the Hypto and the Ando as it's described. However when you get it in the water it performs exactly as that combination. It's probably the fastest board I've ever ridden with heaps of drive but it also releases really well. It loves hooking big bottom turns and getting around sections. It gets a bit loose around washy sections (e.g. when rebounding or coming down in some whitewash). At 29L I assumed it would be a little easier to paddle than it is. It feels about the same or a little easier to paddle as my 27L Ando but does have a little more go once it starts moving. Over all it's my favourite board and is really fun in anything from 2ft up to 4ft. I haven't had the chance to test it in anything bigger yet but I'm sure it will hold right up to 6ft. I think it could be the best option for 1 board quiver I've ridden and is perfect for the kind of conditions we see around the Gold and Sunshine Coasts.
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The Love Buzz performs best in small to medium sized waves. It's really responsive through turns with the perfect amount of release. This board is also good in the barrel and the flatter deck gives extra stability while the deep single concave allows this board to generate speed and fly down the line pretty easily.