Oceanside California...Like many Southern California Beach towns, holds a strong lineage of Surf History in itself. Names Like Donald Takayama and his team from David Nuuhiwa to Joel Tudor, and Gary Linden, Plastic Fantastic, etc, Oceanside and its waves have held a strong surfboard building industry for decades. Today, its industry is amongst the forefront of design and materials. Factories like Global Glassing, The Lab, Hydroflex, OSI have been glassing boards and testing materials for the top brands and shapers in the world. You have
Chemistry Surfboards,
Barr Surfboards, Ryan Burch, Mike Hynson, Von Sol, Linden Surfboards, WRV, Windigo Surfboards and many more all manufacturing in the industry hub just a couple miles from the beach. This is a core surf area with core surfboard builders all behind the scene working more for the passion and freedom to surf when needed, than they do for the dollar.
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Southern California shapers on